About the 2020 Fall Ontario Economic Series
In light of the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce redesigned our annual Ontario Economic Summit. For 2020, the letters in ‘OES’ stood for the Ontario Economic Series, a collection of virtual forums that connect participants with some of the most influential people from across the globe.
As it has been for nearly 20 years, OES 2020 will be the forum for visionary leaders in the public, private, education and not-for-profit sectors to shape Ontario’s future growth and role in the global economy. We will continue to value inclusivity, collaboration, and the sharing of ideas from around the world to achieve greater prosperity here in Ontario.
The OCC would like to recognize its partners Bruce Power, the City of Toronto, Power Corporation of Canada, Meridian, Waste Connections of Canada, and Global Public Affairs for making the 2020 Ontario Economic Series possible.
Ontario Economic Series Partners:
Ontario Economic Series Outreach Partners:
2020 Fall Ontario Economic Series Sessions

October 28: In Conversation with Tabatha Bull on Supply Chain Engagement with the City of Toronto
Fall Ontario Economic Series 2020
“At a time where they have been unparalleled developments around social justice, inclusivity, collaboration, and the sharing of ideas from around the world will be central to achieving greater prosperity here in Ontario and across the border.” – Rocco Rossi, President and CEO of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce