About the project
What is the Skills Bridge?
This project supports training and skills development needs among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across Canada to foster more inclusive workplaces. Led by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, this collaborative partnership with the Future Skills Centre will leverage technology to reduce fragmentation between industry stakeholders and SMEs, develop economies of scale in training and skill development, and help create more inclusive workplaces.
Research undertaken by the Diversity Institute at Toronto Metropolitan University in collaboration with the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) and the Fédération des Chambres de Commerce du Québec (FCCQ) to better understand the challenges small – to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have with respect to training and skills gaps. Experiences, preferences, and the effectiveness of various asynchronous training methods were also analyzed. This research identified that SMEs have a distinct competitive challenge with respect to skills shortages, with limited capacity for talent development in house.
Click here to learn more about the project from the funder, the Future Skills Centre
Click here to watch the Skills Bridge Launch and Learn recording, which includes a panel of project partners and a live beta platform demo
Future Skills Centre
The Future Skills Centre (FSC) is a forward-thinking centre for research and collaboration dedicated to driving innovation in skills development so that everyone in Canada can be prepared for the future of work. We partner with policymakers, researchers, practitioners, employers and labour, and post-secondary institutions to solve pressing labour market challenges and ensure that everyone can benefit from relevant lifelong learning opportunities. We are founded by a consortium whose members are Toronto Metropolitan University, Blueprint, and The Conference Board of Canada, and are funded by the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Program
Ontario Chamber of Commerce
The Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) is the indispensable partner of business and Canada’s largest, most influential provincial chamber. It is an independent, non-profit advocacy and member services organization representing a diverse network of 60,000 members. The OCC’s mission is to convene, align and advance the interests of its members through principled policy work, value-added business services and broad engagement to drive competitiveness and economic growth in the province.
Powered by Magnet
Powered by Magnet provides versatile, customized digital solutions that support an inclusive workforce, economic development, and social prosperity across Canada. By delivering innovative technologies to employers, industry, and enterprise association partners, Powered by Magnet enables individuals and organizations to better prepare for the future of work.
Diversity Institute
The Diversity Institute conducts and coordinates multidisciplinary research that promotes equity, diversity and inclusion as the key to Canada’s competitiveness. Our action-oriented evidence-based approach is advancing knowledge of the complex barriers facing women and non-binary people; Indigenous Peoples; Black and other racialized people; persons with disabilities; immigrants; and 2SLGBTQ+ and gender and sexually diverse people. The Diversity Institute is the research lead for the Future Skills Centre, leads the Women’s Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub and is an ecosystem partner in the Government of Canada’s 50 – 30 Challenge.
The Diversity Institute (DI), in its capacity as research lead for the Future Skills Centre, is providing advisory and research support to ensure that project implementation is based on the most up-to-date research on SME skills needs available and is leading data collection.
Survey Consent Forms
Registration & Exit Surveys
Learner (Participant) Registration Survey - Consent Form
Consent Form
Diversity Institute, Future Skills Centre, and Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Consent to Participate in Research – Online Survey Learners
Project title: Unleashing Learning Management Systems at Scale – Capacity Building for Canadian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
You are being invited to participate in an evaluation project. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of addressing skills needs among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through:
● the deployment of free and sponsored training and skills development content for SMEs;
● the identification and validation of training content that meets the needs of SMEs;
● providing SMEs with access to training resources that promote diverse and inclusive hiring practices; and
● the development of an evidence-based training model that is cost-effective and scalable.The project is being led by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) and is being funded by the Future Skills Centre as an evaluation project with Magnet as a project partner. As a research lead for the Future Skills Centre, the Diversity Institute is providing research support for this evaluation project and is leading the data collection portion of the project.Before you consent to participate, please read this consent form so that you understand what your participation will involve. Data collection for this project is being led by Dr. Wendy Cukier at Toronto Metropolitan University’s Diversity Institute. This project comprises four testing phases and a beta launch phase. Data generated in the testing and beta launch phases will be used to improve the learning management system (LMS) being deployed as a part of the project and content being offered to SMEs on this LMS. Data collected in each phase will be used to enable additional operational improvements to the program and evaluation of the program’s effectiveness.
Wendy Cukier, MA, MBA, PhD: Academic Director, Diversity Institute and Future Skills Centre
Magdalena Sabat, PhD: Director, Research, Special Projects (FSC), Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Simon Blanchette, MSc: Senior Research Associate, Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Erin Grosjean, MA: Research Program Manager, Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Other members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team may also be granted access to this data as necessary.
Employees of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees.
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to fill out a series of surveys throughout the beta launch phase of the project. You will be asked to fill out two online surveys which include questions about your personal demographic information and assess your skills. The surveys will each take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The first one will take place before accessing the platform for the first time, and the second one will take place at the end of the beta launch phase. Participation in the project will also involve you being asked to complete online skills training courses. After each course, you will be asked to complete a short 5 minute course content survey to provide feedback and evaluate the courses. You will be asked to consent to your data being collected at the beginning of each of these surveys.
You may also be contacted by the OCC (project lead) on behalf of project partner Magnet to solicit your participation in usability testing for the project website and platform. Participation in this usability testing will be completely voluntary and you are free to decline participation. Declining to participate in usability testing will have no negative effect on you or your relationship with any of the project partners.
In order to access the learning content being offered as a part of this project, you will need to complete this first survey, though you are permitted to skip any questions you prefer not to answer and you will still be considered to have completed the survey. You will need to provide the email address that has been used to register you for this evaluation project in order for your participation to be confirmed.
Once you have completed the survey, you will be asked to confirm that you consent to having your data collected by clicking “Submit Survey” at the end of the survey. If you do not confirm your consent to participate at the end of the survey by clicking the “Submit Survey” button, no data will be collected, even if you have partially filled out the survey.
The information gathered from this evaluation project will help the OCC, Magnet, the Diversity Institute, and the Future Skills Centre understand how best to support SME business owners in accessing skills training content for their employees. Participants will receive free skills training from the courses taken on the platform in exchange for their participation. We cannot, however, guarantee that you will directly benefit from your participation in this evaluation.
There are minimal risks to you in participating in these online surveys. You are free to refuse to participate in this evaluation project, to refuse to answer any questions you do not wish to answer, or to stop participating at any time without giving a reason. Your responses will also be kept confidential and any data generated by your participation in these online surveys will be de-identified before it is analyzed. Raw data will not be shared outside of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team; only aggregated summary data will be shared with project team members at the OCC, Magnet.
Your choice to participate or not participate in this evaluation project will not influence or affect your future relations with Toronto Metropolitan University, the OCC, or any of its partners.
There are some other risks associated with participation. These risks are minimal and are outlined in this section. You may experience emotional or psychological discomfort as you may find some questions about your current situation to be sensitive. In this case you can choose not to answer these questions or exit the survey.
Given the nature of virtual surveys, there is a risk that your participation and/or responses may become known to others if you choose to complete the survey on a shared device or in a public location. We strongly encourage participants to complete these surveys in a private location on a personal device or one supplied by your employer. Your data will be stored on secure servers and once you submit, your responses are protected with safeguards that ensure your privacy and confidentiality.
While no publications based on the data collected through this survey are planned, your answers to some of the questions that you will be asked may unintentionally identify you due to the small sample size in internal evaluation reports shared within the project team, though this risk is quite low. These questions relate to your demographic information such as your race or annual salary. You are free to skip any of these questions if you do not feel comfortable responding to them. Any analyses of the data collected in this survey that is shared with project partners outside the Diversity Institute Project Evaluation Team will be shared in aggregated form.
Any information you provide is confidential, including from your employer. While your employer will know whether you have completed this survey, they will not know if you provided any data. Your choice of whether or not to participate in the evaluation project will otherwise be confidential. The online survey is confidential and will not be collecting identifying information such as your name or address. Your email address will be collected to confirm your participation in the project, but will be removed from your data as soon as this has been done. Although your Internet Protocol (IP) address can be tracked through the survey platform, the evaluation team will not be collecting this information. Your IP address could be observed only to ensure that there are no duplicate submissions from the same individual. The Diversity Institute will store your personal information and response data in a secure Toronto Metropolitan University-provided password protected Google Workspace Drive. The server will only be accessible to members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team. Please note that we cannot guarantee privacy and confidentiality if you complete your survey in a public place, or on a public server.
The online survey is hosted through QualtricsXM, a company based in the United States. However, your data will be stored on Canadian servers and is protected through a strict privacy policy (https://www.qualtrics.com/privacy-statement/). To further protect your information, once data gathered by the online surveys is downloaded by the researchers, it will be deleted from QualtricsXM and stored as password protected and/or encrypted files on a secure Google Workspace Drive. Only members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team will have access to the information and data collected. All data will be de-identified and aggregated before being shared. Once the research is completed, the lead researcher will store the data for three years after completion of the evaluation project to ensure that all evaluation work related to the project can be completed.
The aggregate data will be used by the Future Skills Centre and the OCC to evaluate the effectiveness of this program at addressing skills needs among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to improve both the means by which training content is delivered and the training content that is offered.
At this time, there are no plans to use any of the data collected, or any of the analysis undertaken as a part of this evaluation project, for the purposes of academic research or the publication of peer-reviewed journal articles, or for the publication of non-peer-reviewed research reports. Your data may, however, be used for secondary analysis at a later date to support future research publications.
Participation in this evaluation project is completely voluntary. You can choose whether or not to participate. If any question makes you uncomfortable, you can skip that question. You may stop participating in the survey at any time.
If you choose to stop participating, you may also choose to not have your data included in the evaluation. Your choice of whether to participate will not influence your future relations with Toronto Metropolitan University, Diversity Institute, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce or the investigators involved in the research.
If you choose to revoke your consent and no longer wish to have your data included in this evaluation after you have submitted your responses and within four weeks after today’s date, you have the right to request the removal of your data from the evaluation. If you decide to withdraw after four weeks from today, we cannot remove your data from the aggregated results, but we will delete your individual results from our servers.
If you have any questions about the research now, please ask. If you have questions later about the research, you may contact:
Wendy Cukier, MA, MBA, PhD, DU (Hon) LLD (Hon) M.S.C.
Professor, Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Ted Rogers School of Management
Director, Diversity Institute
350 Victoria St., Toronto Ontario M5B2K3
Email: wcukier@ryerson.ca
Phone: 416-979-5000 x6740
Please print or save a copy of this page for your future reference. By clicking “Submit Survey” at the end of the survey, you are consenting to the collection and use of your full responses. Request for consent to any future data collection will accompany any future invitations to participate throughout the evaluation period.
SME (Employer) Registration Survey - Consent Form
Consent form
Diversity Institute, Future Skills Centre, and Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Consent to Participate in Research – Online Survey
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
Project title: Unleashing Learning Management Systems at Scale – Capacity Building for Canadian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
You are being invited to participate in an evaluation project. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of addressing skills needs among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through:
● the deployment of free and sponsored training and skills development content for SMEs;
● the identification and validation of training content that meets the needs of SMEs;
● providing SMEs with access to training resources that promote diverse and inclusive hiring practices; and
● the development of an evidence-based training model that is cost-effective and scalable.The project is being led by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) and is being funded by the Future Skills Centre as an evaluation project with Magnet as a project partner. As a research lead for the Future Skills Centre, the Diversity Institute is providing research support for this evaluation project and is leading the data collection portion of the project.Before you consent to participate, please read this consent form so that you understand what your participation will involve. Data collection for this project is being led by Dr. Wendy Cukier at Toronto Metropolitan University’s Diversity Institute. This project comprises four testing phases and a beta launch phase. Data generated in the phases will be used to improve the learning management system (LMS) being deployed as a part of the project and content being offered to SMEs on this LMS. Data collected in each phase will be used to enable additional operational improvements to the program and evaluation of the program’s effectiveness.
Wendy Cukier, MA, MBA, PhD: Academic Director, Diversity Institute and Future Skills Centre
Magdalena Sabat, PhD: Director, Research, Special Projects (FSC), Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Simon Blanchette, MSc: Senior Research Associate, Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Erin Grosjean, MA: Research Program Manager, Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Other members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team may also be granted access to this data as necessary.
Authorized representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees.
You are being asked to fill out an online survey as an authorized representative of your organization. This survey includes questions about your organization’s owners, employees, policies and activities. The survey will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. You are permitted to skip any questions you prefer not to answer and you will still be considered to have completed the survey. You will need to provide the email that has been used to register you for this evaluation project in order for your participation to be confirmed.Once you have completed the survey, you will be asked to confirm that you consent to having your data collected by clicking “Submit Survey” at the end of the survey. If you do not confirm your consent to participate at the end of the survey by clicking the “Submit Survey” button, no data will be collected, even if you have partially filled out the survey.At the end of the beta launch phase, a representative of your organization will also be asked to participate in a 60-90 minute focus group session to provide in-depth feedback and insights on your organization’s perspective on the project experience, the platform, and the content
The information gathered from this evaluation project will help the OCC, Magnet, the Diversity Institute, and the Future Skills Centre understand how best to support SME business owners in accessing skills training content for their employees. Improved skills training options for SMEs could offer significant benefits for your organization and its employees throughout the project and in the future. We cannot, however, guarantee that you will directly benefit from your participation in this evaluation.WHAT ARE THE POTENTIAL RISKS TO YOU
There are minimal risks to you in participating in these online surveys. You are free to refuse to participate in this evaluation project, to refuse to answer any questions you do not wish to answer, or to stop participating at any time without giving a reason. The survey will NOT include questions asking for personal data; rather, questions will focus on data about the organization, its characteristics, needs, and policies.Your responses will be kept confidential and any data generated by your participation in these online surveys will be de-identified before it is analyzed. Raw data will not be shared outside of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team; only aggregated summary data will be shared with project team members at the OCC, Magnet.
Your choice to participate or not participate in this evaluation will not influence or affect your future relations with Toronto Metropolitan University, the OCC, or any of its partners.
There are some other risks associated with participation. These risks are minimal and are outlined in this section. You may experience emotional or psychological discomfort as you may find some of the questions to be sensitive. In this case you can choose not to answer these questions or exit the survey.
Given the nature of virtual surveys, there is a risk that your participation and/or responses may become known to others if you choose to complete the survey on a shared device or in a public location. We strongly encourage participants to complete these surveys in a private location on a personal device or one supplied by your employer. Your data will be stored on secure servers and once you submit, your responses are protected with safeguards that ensure your privacy and confidentiality.
Any information you provide is confidential, including your choice whether or not to participate in the evaluation project. The online survey is confidential and will not be collecting identifying information such as your name or address. Your email address will be collected to confirm your participation in the project, but will be removed from your data as soon as this has been done. Although your Internet Protocol (IP) address can be tracked through the survey platform, the evaluation team will not be collecting this information. Your IP address could be observed only to ensure that there are no duplicate submissions from the same individual. The Diversity Institute will store your personal information and response data in a secure Toronto Metropolitan University-provided password protected Google Workspace Drive. The server will only be accessible to members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team. Please note that we cannot guarantee privacy and confidentiality if you complete your survey in a public place, or on a public server.
The online survey is hosted through QualtricsXM, a company based in the United States. However, your data will be stored on Canadian servers and is protected through a strict privacy policy (https://www.qualtrics.com/privacy-statement/). To further protect your information, once data gathered by the online surveys is downloaded by the researchers, it will be deleted from QualtricsXM and stored as password protected and/or encrypted files on a secure Google Workspace Drive. Only members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team will have access to the information and data collected. All data will be de-identified and aggregated before being shared. Once the research is completed, the lead researcher will store the data for three years after completion of the evaluation project to ensure that all evaluation work related to the project can be completed.
The aggregate data will be used by the Future Skills Centre and the OCC to evaluate the effectiveness of this program at addressing skills needs among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to improve both the means by which training content is delivered and the training content that is offered.
At this time, there are no plans to use any of the data collected, or any of the analysis undertaken as a part of this evaluation project, for the purposes of academic research or the publication of peer-reviewed journal articles, or for the publication of non-peer-reviewed research reports. Your data may, however, be used for secondary analysis at a later date to support future research publications.
Participation in this evaluation project is completely voluntary. You can choose whether or not to participate. If any question makes you uncomfortable, you can skip that question. You may stop participating in the survey at any time.
If you choose to stop participating, you may also choose to not have your data included in the evaluation. Your choice of whether to participate will not influence your future relations with Toronto Metropolitan University, Diversity Institute, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce or the investigators involved in the research.
If you choose to revoke your consent and no longer wish to have your data included in this evaluation after you have submitted your responses and within four weeks after today’s date, you have the right to request the removal of your data from the evaluation. If you decide to withdraw after four weeks from today, we cannot remove your data from the aggregated results, but we will delete your individual results from our servers.
If you have any questions about the research now, please ask. If you have questions later about the research, you may contact:
Wendy Cukier, MA, MBA, PhD, DU (Hon) LLD (Hon) M.S.C.
Professor, Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Ted Rogers School of Management
Director, Diversity Institute
350 Victoria St., Toronto Ontario M5B2K3
Email: wcukier@ryerson.ca
Phone: 416-979-5000 x6740
Please print or save a copy of this page for your future reference. By clicking “Submit Survey” at the end of the survey, you are consenting to the collection and use of your full responses. Request for consent to any future data collection will accompany any future invitations to participate throughout the evaluation period.
Chamber of Commerce Registration Survey - Consent Form
Diversity Institute, Future Skills Centre, and Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Consent to Participate in Evaluation – Online Survey
Chambers of Commerce and other business associations
Project title: Unleashing Learning Management Systems at Scale – Capacity Building for Canadian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
You are being invited to participate in an evaluation project. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of addressing skills needs among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through:
● the deployment of free and sponsored training and skills development content for SMEs;
● the identification and validation of training content that meets the needs of SMEs;
● providing SMEs with access to training resources that promote diverse and inclusive hiring practices; and
● the development of an evidence-based training model that is cost-effective and scalable. The project is being led by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) and is being funded by the Future Skills Centre as an evaluation project with Magnet as a project partner. As a research lead for the Future Skills Centre, the Diversity Institute is providing research support for this evaluation project and is leading the data collection portion of the project. Before you consent to participate, please read this consent form so that you understand what your participation will involve. Data collection for this project is being led by Dr. Wendy Cukier at Toronto Metropolitan University’s Diversity Institute. This project comprises four testing phases and a beta launch phase. Data generated in the phases will be used to improve the learning management system (LMS) being deployed as a part of the project and content being offered to SMEs on this LMS. Data collected in each phase will be used to enable additional operational improvements to the program and evaluation of the program’s effectiveness.
Wendy Cukier, MA, MBA, PhD: Academic Director, Diversity Institute and Future Skills Centre
Magdalena Sabat, PhD: Director, Research, Special Projects (FSC), Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Simon Blanchette, MSc: Senior Research Associate, Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Erin Grosjean, MA: Research Program Manager, Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Other members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team may also be granted access to this data as necessary.
Authorized representatives of Chambers of Commerce, Boards of Trade, and/or business associations.
You are being asked to fill out an online survey which includes questions about your organization, including information about your members’ businesses and business activities. The survey will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. You are permitted to skip any questions you prefer not to answer and you will still be considered to have completed the survey. You will need to provide the email address that has been used to register you for this evaluation project in order for your participation to be confirmed. Once you have completed the survey, you will be asked to confirm that you consent to having your data collected by clicking “Submit Survey” at the end of the survey. If you do not confirm your consent to participate at the end of the survey by clicking the “Submit Survey” button, no data will be collected, even if you have partially filled out the survey
The information gathered from this evaluation project will help the OCC, Magnet, the Diversity Institute, and the Future Skills Centre understand how best to support SME business owners in accessing skills training content for their employees. This could generate a significant benefit for members of your organization that participate in the project now or in the future. We cannot, however, guarantee that you will receive any direct benefit from your participation.
There are minimal risks to you in participating in these online surveys. You are free to refuse to participate in this evaluation project, to refuse to answer any questions you do not wish to answer, or to stop participating at any time without giving a reason. Your responses will be kept confidential and any data generated by your participation in these online surveys will be de-identified before it is analyzed. Raw data will not be shared outside of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team; only aggregated summary data will be shared with project team members at the OCC, Magnet. Your choice to participate or not participate in this evaluation will not influence or affect your future relations with Toronto Metropolitan University, the OCC, or any of its partners. There are some other risks associated with participation. These risks are minimal and are outlined in this section. You may experience emotional or psychological discomfort as you may find some of the questions to be sensitive. In this case you can choose not to answer these questions or exit the survey. Given the nature of virtual surveys, there is a risk that your participation and/or responses may become known to others if you choose to complete the survey on a shared device or in a public location. We strongly encourage participants to complete these surveys in a private location on a personal device or one supplied by your employer. Your data will be stored on secure servers and once you submit, your responses are protected with safeguards that ensure your privacy and confidentiality.
Any information you provide is confidential, including your choice whether or not to participate in the evaluation project. The online survey is confidential and will not be collecting identifying information such as your name or address. Your email address will be collected to confirm your participation in the project, but will be removed from your data as soon as this has been done. Although your Internet Protocol (IP) address can be tracked through the survey platform, the evaluation team will not be collecting this information. Your IP address could be observed only to ensure that there are no duplicate submissions from the same individual. The Diversity Institute will store your personal information and response data in a secure Toronto Metropolitan-provided password protected Google Workspace Drive. The server will only be accessible to members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team. Please note that we cannot guarantee privacy and confidentiality if you complete your survey in a public place, or on a public server.
The online survey is hosted through QualtricsXM, a company based in the United States. However, your data will be stored on Canadian servers and is protected through a strict privacy policy (https://www.qualtrics.com/privacy-statement/). To further protect your information, once data gathered by the online surveys is downloaded by the researchers, it will be deleted from QualtricsXM and stored as password protected and/or encrypted files on a secure Google Workspace Drive. Only members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team will have access to the information and data collected. All data will be de-identified and aggregated before being shared. Once the research is completed, the lead researcher will store the data for three years after completion of the evaluation project to ensure that all evaluation work related to the project can be completed.
The aggregate data will be used by the Future Skills Centre and the OCC to evaluate the effectiveness of this program at addressing skills needs among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to improve both the means by which training content is delivered and the training content that is offered.
At this time, there are no plans to use any of the data collected, or any of the analysis undertaken as a part of this evaluation project, for the purposes of academic research or the publication of peer-reviewed journal articles, or for the publication of non-peer-reviewed research reports. Your data may, however, be used for secondary analysis at a later date to support future research publications.
Participation in this evaluation project is completely voluntary. You can choose whether or not to participate. If any question makes you uncomfortable, you can skip that question. You may stop participating in the survey at any time.
If you choose to stop participating, you may also choose to not have your data included in the evaluation. Your choice of whether to participate will not influence your future relations with Toronto Metropolitan University, Diversity Institute, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce or the investigators involved in the research.
If you choose to revoke your consent and no longer wish to have your data included in this evaluation after you have submitted your responses and within four weeks after today’s date, you have the right to request the removal of your data from the evaluation. If you decide to withdraw after four weeks from today, we cannot remove your data from the aggregated results, but we will delete your individual results from our servers.
If you have any questions about the research now, please ask. If you have questions later about the research, you may contact:
Wendy Cukier, MA, MBA, PhD, DU (Hon) LLD (Hon) M.S.C.
Professor, Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Ted Rogers School of Management
Director, Diversity Institute
350 Victoria St., Toronto Ontario M5B2K3
Email: wcukier@ryerson.ca
Phone: 416-979-5000 x6740
Please print or save a copy of this page for your future reference. By clicking “Submit Survey” at the end of the survey, you are consenting to the collection and use of your full responses. Request for consent to any future data collection will accompany any future invitations to participate throughout the evaluation period.
Learner (Participant) Exit Survey - Consent Form
Consent Form
Diversity Institute, Future Skills Centre, and Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Consent to Participate in Research – Online Survey Learners
Project title: Evaluating Learning Management Systems and Digital Skills Training Content for Capacity Building in Canadian SMEs
You are being invited to participate in an evaluation project. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of addressing skills needs among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through:
● the deployment of free and sponsored training and skills development content for SMEs;
● the identification and validation of training content that meets the needs of SMEs;
● providing SMEs with access to training resources that promote diverse and inclusive hiring practices; and
● the development of an evidence-based training model that is cost-effective and scalable.The project is being led by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) and is being funded by the Future Skills Centre as an evaluation project with Magnet as a project partner. As a research lead for the Future Skills Centre, the Diversity Institute is providing research support for this evaluation project and is leading the data collection portion of the project.Before you consent to participate, please read this consent form so that you understand what your participation will involve. Data collection for this project is being led by Dr. Wendy Cukier at Toronto Metropolitan University’s Diversity Institute. This project comprises four testing phases and a beta launch phase. Data generated in the testing and beta launch phases will be used to improve the learning management system (LMS) being deployed as a part of the project and content being offered to SMEs on this LMS. Data collected in each phase will be used to enable additional operational improvements to the program and evaluation of the program’s effectiveness.
Wendy Cukier, MA, MBA, PhD: Academic Director, Diversity Institute and Future Skills Centre
Magdalena Sabat, PhD: Director, Research, Special Projects (FSC), Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Simon Blanchette, MSc: Senior Research Associate, Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Erin Grosjean, MA: Research Program Manager, Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Other members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team may also be granted access to this data as necessary.
Employees of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees.
You are being asked to fill out an online survey which includes questions about your personal demographic information and assesses your skills. The survey will take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. You are permitted to skip any questions you prefer not to answer and you will still be considered to have completed the survey. Once you have completed the survey, you will be asked to confirm that you consent to having your data collected by clicking “Submit Survey” at the end of the survey. If you do not confirm your consent to participate at the end of the survey by clicking the “Submit Survey” button, no data will be collected, even if you have partially filled out the survey.
The information gathered from this evaluation project will help the OCC, Magnet, the Diversity Institute, and the Future Skills Centre understand how best to support SME business owners in accessing skills training content for their employees. Participants will receive free skills training from the courses taken on the platform in exchange for their participation. We cannot, however, guarantee that you will directly benefit from your participation in this evaluation.
There are minimal risks to you in participating in these online surveys. You are free to refuse to participate in this evaluation project, to refuse to answer any questions you do not wish to answer, or to stop participating at any time without giving a reason. Your responses will also be kept confidential and any data generated by your participation in these online surveys will be de-identified before it is analyzed. Raw data will not be shared outside of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team; only aggregated summary data will be shared with project team members at the OCC, Magnet.
Your choice to participate or not participate in this evaluation project will not influence or affect your future relations with Toronto Metropolitan University, the OCC, or any of its partners.
There are some other risks associated with participation. These risks are minimal and are outlined in this section. You may experience emotional or psychological discomfort as you may find some questions about your current situation to be sensitive. In this case you can choose not to answer these questions or exit the survey.
Given the nature of virtual surveys, there is a risk that your participation and/or responses may become known to others if you choose to complete the survey on a shared device or in a public location. We strongly encourage participants to complete these surveys in a private location on a personal device or one supplied by your employer. Your data will be stored on secure servers and once you submit, your responses are protected with safeguards that ensure your privacy and confidentiality.
While no publications based on the data collected through this survey are planned, your answers to some of the questions that you will be asked may unintentionally identify you due to the small sample size in internal evaluation reports shared within the project team, though this risk is quite low. These questions relate to your demographic information such as your race or annual salary. You are free to skip any of these questions if you do not feel comfortable responding to them. Any analyses of the data collected in this survey that is shared with project partners outside the Diversity Institute Project Evaluation Team will be shared in aggregated form.
Any information you provide is confidential, including from your employer. While your employer will know whether you have completed this survey, they will not know if you provided any data. Your choice of whether or not to participate in the evaluation project will otherwise be confidential. The online survey is confidential and will not be collecting identifying information such as your name or address. Although your Internet Protocol (IP) address can be tracked through the survey platform, the evaluation team will not be collecting this information. Your IP address could be observed only to ensure that there are no duplicate submissions from the same individual. The Diversity Institute will store your personal information and response data in a secure Toronto Metropolitan-provided password protected Google Workspace Drive. The server will only be accessible to members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team. Please note that we cannot guarantee privacy and confidentiality if you complete your survey in a public place, or on a public server.
The online survey is hosted through QualtricsXM, a company based in the United States. However, your data will be stored on Canadian servers and is protected through a strict privacy policy (https://www.qualtrics.com/privacy-statement/). To further protect your information, once data gathered by the online surveys is downloaded by the researchers, it will be deleted from QualtricsXM and stored as password protected and/or encrypted files on a secure Google Workspace Drive. Only members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team will have access to the information and data collected. All data will be de-identified and aggregated before being shared. Once the research is completed, the lead researcher will store the data for three years after completion of the evaluation project to ensure that all evaluation work related to the project can be completed.
The aggregate data will be used by the Future Skills Centre and the OCC to evaluate the effectiveness of this program at addressing skills needs among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to improve both the means by which training content is delivered and the training content that is offered.
At this time, there are no plans to use any of the data collected, or any of the analysis undertaken as a part of this evaluation project, for the purposes of academic research or the publication of peer-reviewed journal articles, or for the publication of non-peer-reviewed research reports. Your data may, however, be used for secondary analysis at a later date to support future research publications.
Participation in this evaluation project is completely voluntary. You can choose whether or not to participate. If any question makes you uncomfortable, you can skip that question. You may stop participating in the survey at any time.
If you choose to stop participating, you may also choose to not have your data included in the evaluation. Your choice of whether to participate will not influence your future relations with Toronto Metropolitan University, Diversity Institute, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce or the investigators involved in the research.
If you choose to revoke your consent and no longer wish to have your data included in this evaluation after you have submitted your responses and within four weeks after today’s date, you have the right to request the removal of your data from the evaluation. If you decide to withdraw after four weeks from today, we cannot remove your data from the aggregated results, but we will delete your individual results from our servers.
If you have any questions about the research now, please ask. If you have questions later about the research, you may contact:
Wendy Cukier, MA, MBA, PhD, DU (Hon) LLD (Hon) M.S.C.
Professor, Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Ted Rogers School of Management
Director, Diversity Institute
350 Victoria St., Toronto Ontario M5B2K3
Email: wcukier@ryerson.ca
Phone: 416-979-5000 x6740
Please print or save a copy of this page for your future reference. By clicking “SUBMIT SURVEY”, you are consenting to the collection and use of your full responses.
Please print or save a copy of this page for your future reference. By clicking “Submit Survey” at the end of the survey, you are consenting to the collection and use of your full responses. Request for consent to any future data collection will accompany any future invitations to participate throughout the evaluation period.
Course Completion Survey
Course Completion Survey - Consent Form
Consent form
Diversity Institute, Future Skills Centre, and Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Consent to Participate in Research – Online Survey Learners
Project title: Unleashing Learning Management Systems at Scale – Capacity Building for Canadian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
You are being invited to participate in an evaluation project. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of addressing skills needs among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through:
● the deployment of free and sponsored training and skills development content for SMEs;
● the identification and validation of training content that meets the needs of SMEs;
● providing SMEs with access to training resources that promote diverse and inclusive hiring practices; and
● the development of an evidence-based training model that is cost-effective and scalable. The project is being led by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) and is being funded by the Future Skills Centre as an evaluation project. As a research lead for the Future Skills Centre, the Diversity Institute is providing research support for this evaluation project and is leading the data collection portion of the project. Before you consent to participate, please read this consent form so that you understand what your participation will involve. Data collection for this project is being led by Dr. Wendy Cukier at Toronto Metropolitan University’s Diversity Institute. This project comprises four testing phases and a beta launch phase. Data generated in the phases will be used to improve the learning management system (LMS) being deployed as a part of the project and content being offered to SMEs on this LMS. Data collected in each phase will be used to enable additional operational improvements to the program and evaluation of the program’s effectiveness
Wendy Cukier, MA, MBA, PhD: Academic Director, Diversity Institute and Future Skills Centre
Magdalena Sabat, PhD: Director, Research, Special Projects (FSC), Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Simon Blanchette, MSc: Senior Research Associate, Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Erin Grosjean, MA: Research Program Manager, Diversity Institute (Future Skills)
Other members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team may also be granted access to this data as necessary.
Employees of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees.
You are being asked to complete a survey to evaluate and provide feedback on the content of course you recently completed. The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete. You will be asked to complete one survey after each course you take throughout the evaluation period. You will be asked to consent to your data being collected at the beginning of each of these surveys. Once you have completed the survey, you will be asked to confirm that you consent to having your data collected by clicking “Submit Survey” at the end of the survey. If you do not confirm your consent to participate at the end of the survey by clicking the “Submit Survey” button, no data will be collected, even if you have partially filled out the survey.
The information gathered from this evaluation project will help the OCC, Magnet, the Diversity Institute, and the Future Skills Centre understand how best to support SME business owners in accessing skills training content for their employees. Participants will receive free skills training from the courses taken on the platform in exchange for their participation.
There are minimal risks to you in participating in these online surveys. You are free to refuse to participate in this evaluation project, to refuse to answer any questions you do not wish to answer, or to stop participating at any time without giving a reason. The survey will NOT include questions asking for personal data; rather, questions will focus on your experience with the course content. Your responses will be kept confidential and any data generated by your participation in these online surveys will be de-identified before it is analyzed. Raw data will not be shared outside of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team; only aggregated summary data will be shared with project team members at the OCC, Magnet. Your choice to participate or not participate in this evaluation will not influence or affect your future relations with Toronto Metropolitan University, the OCC, or any of its partners. There are some other risks associated with participation. These risks are minimal and are outlined in this section. You may experience emotional or psychological discomfort as you may find some of the questions to be sensitive. In this case you can choose not to answer these questions or exit the survey, however any responses collected up to that point will be used in the project. Given the nature of virtual surveys, there is a risk that your participation and/or responses may become known to others if you choose to complete the survey on a shared device or in a public location. We strongly encourage participants to complete these surveys in a private location on a personal device or one supplied by your employer. Your data will be stored on secure servers and once you submit, your responses are protected with safeguards that ensure your privacy and confidentiality.
Any information you provide is confidential, including your choice whether or not to participate in the evaluation project. The online survey is confidential and will not be collecting identifying information such as your name or address. Your email address will be collected to confirm your participation in the project, but will be removed from your data as soon as this has been done. Although your Internet Protocol (IP) address can be tracked through the survey platform, the evaluation team will not be collecting this information. Your IP address could be observed only to ensure that there are no duplicate submissions from the same individual. The Diversity Institute will store your personal information and response data in a secure Toronto Metropolitan-provided password protected Google Workspace Drive. The server will only be accessible to members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team. Please note that we cannot guarantee privacy and confidentiality if you complete your survey in a public place, or on a public server.
The online survey is hosted through QualtricsXM, a company based in the United States. However, your data will be stored on Canadian servers and is protected through a strict privacy policy (https://www.qualtrics.com/privacy-statement/). To further protect your information, once data gathered by the online surveys is downloaded by the researchers, it will be deleted from QualtricsXM and stored as password protected and/or encrypted files on a secure Google Workspace Drive. Only members of the Diversity Institute’s Evaluation Project Team will have access to the information and data collected. All data will be de-identified and aggregated before being shared. Once the research is completed, the lead researcher will store the data for three years after completion of the evaluation project to ensure that all evaluation work related to the project can be completed.
The aggregate data will be used by the Future Skills Centre and the OCC to evaluate the effectiveness of this program at addressing skills needs among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to improve both the means by which training content is delivered and the training content that is offered.
At this time, there are no plans to use any of the data collected, or any of the analysis undertaken as a part of this evaluation project, for the purposes of academic research or the publication of peer-reviewed journal articles, or for the publication of non-peer-reviewed research reports. Your data may, however, be used for secondary analysis at a later date to support future research publications.
Participation in this evaluation project is completely voluntary. You can choose whether or not to participate. If any question makes you uncomfortable, you can skip that question. You may stop participating at any time.
If you choose to stop participating, you may also choose to not have your data included in the evaluation. Your choice of whether to participate will not influence your future relations with Toronto Metropolitan University, Diversity Institute, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce or the investigators involved in the research.
If you choose to revoke your consent and no longer wish to have your data included in this evaluation after you have submitted your responses and within four weeks after today’s date, you have the right to request the removal of your data from the evaluation. If you decide to withdraw after four weeks from today, we cannot remove your data from the aggregated results, but we will delete your individual results from our servers.
If you have any questions about the research now, please ask. If you have questions later about the research, you may contact:
Wendy Cukier, MA, MBA, PhD, DU (Hon) LLD (Hon) M.S.C.
Professor, Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Ted Rogers School of Management
Director, Diversity Institute
350 Victoria St., Toronto Ontario M5B2K3
Email: wcukier@ryerson.ca
Phone: 416-979-5000 x6740
Please print or save a copy of this page for your future reference. By clicking “Submit Survey” at the end of the survey, you are consenting to the collection and use of your full responses. Request for consent to any future data collection will accompany any future invitations to participate throughout the evaluation period.
Course Completion Survey (Link)
Begin Post-Course Content Survey
Please notify us at futureskills@occ.ca upon completion of each course or resource taken that is not from LinkedIn Learning.